Full information //bit.ly.Xmas Card
The competition
Organised by the
Center for non-formal education of Lithuanian students
Center for non-formal education of Lithuanian students
Applications are accepted until November 5. 23:59 pm (In Lithuanian time).
1. The competition aims at promoting pupils’ creativity and the ability to work
2. The specific objectives of the competition are as follows:
2.1. giving pupils an opportunity to experience and give meaning to the joys of winter and
Christmas time;
2.2. creating conditions for pupils’ artistic self–expression;
2.3. encouraging pupils’ creative experiments and developing their ability to work
1. The competition aims at promoting pupils’ creativity and the ability to work
2. The specific objectives of the competition are as follows:
2.1. giving pupils an opportunity to experience and give meaning to the joys of winter and
Christmas time;
2.2. creating conditions for pupils’ artistic self–expression;
2.3. encouraging pupils’ creative experiments and developing their ability to work
3. The competition is open to pupils of any type of school in Lithuania and abroad.
4. Artwork entered into the competition shall be assigned to and evaluated in three different
age groups:
Age group I: 7–10 years;
Age group II: 11–14 years old;
Age group III: 15–18 years old.
Lietuvos mokinių neformaliojo švietimo centras paskelbė Tarptautinį vaikų ir jaunimo meninės kūrybos darbų konkursą „Kalėdinis atvirukas“!
Konkurse dalyvauti kviečiami Lietuvos ir užsienio lietuvių mokyklų mokiniai. Dalyvius ugdymo įstaiga registruoja iki 2022 m. lapkričio 6 d. Darbai siunčiami iki 2022 m. lapkričio 16 d.
Konkurso sąlygos ir registracija: https://www.lmnsc.lt/kaledinis_atvirukas/