Since 1949, Musu Pastoge has been delivering a weekly newsletter to Lithuanian Australians
For a full list of activities, events and sporting games, link here:
Australijos lietuvių bendruomenės veikla daugiausiai plėtojasi kultūros srityje. Išskirtiniu ir vienu iš didžiausių projektų galima laikyti Australijos Lietuvių Dienas. Jų programą sudaro Dainų šventė, Tautinių šokių šventė, teatro spektakliai, meno ir tautodailės parodos, įvairių atlikėjų koncertai.
Preliminary Program
For a full list of activities, events and sporting games, link here:
As more of the older generation pass on, people are asking what to do with the Lithuanian books left in their care. These days more and more people are accessing books digitally and very few of those of Lithuanian descent born in Australia will read books in Lithuanian.
So what do you do with the books?
Scouting became a wonderful way of gathering our children and teaching the principals of respect for nature, our heritage and for each other.
The Australian/Lithuanianscouting movement bases its principles on the worldwide scouting organisation instituted by Sir Baden Powell in 1908.
The mission of Lithuanian scouting is to provide children of Lithuanian descent a framework in which to build character and grow into responsible citizens through the philosophy of scouting.
With a focus on Lithuanian culture, traditions, and language, using physical as well as intellectual activities, scouting has been an integral part of our youth growing into responsible adults.
Video, Scouts re-enact the era when Russia banned books in and of Lithuanian content
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With a foreign tongue and new set of eyes, how have Lithuanians contributed to our new land?
How have we integrated into society in Australia?
Who have been some of our leading lights?
Leading Lights, amalgamating into the broader community
Wedged in between Germany, Poland and Russia, Lithuania has a 99 km coastline along the South-Eastern elbow of the Baltic Sea.
Lithuania’s total land area is 65,200 sq km – not much different to that of Tasmania, yet is populated much more densely: its present population is about 3.2 million.
Lithuanians speak an ancient Indo-European tongue and is a cousin to modern Latvian. Viewed more broadly, Lithuanian is related to Ancient Greek, Latin and Sanskrit which is the oldest known member of the Indo-European family.
Visit Lithuania
We are third generation Australian Lithuanians and support both cultures with a passion,
Mano žmona, kuri yra lietuvė, o aš australas – bendruomenė padėjo užauginti mano vaikus
Dennis and Aldona, March 12-22, 2018
As a first generation Australian Lithuanian, I am proud to say that both countries are better off having the wonderful dialogue that we now share with both our cultures.
Algis, September 04-16, 2018