Pirmininkė: |
Gaila Davies – President
Pirmininkė: |
Members of the committee: |
Perth Community |
There are approximately 200 Lithuanians within Perth’s area of which around 20 people attend the Perth Lithuanian activities. A small group but growing larger each year.
Perth Lithuanian Community/Bendruomenė
Email link here:
Facebook links:
Lietuviai Vakaru Australijoje – Lithuanians in WA
Perto Lituanistine Mokylka – Baltu Salele
Membership to the WA Lithuanian Club
How many Lithuanians approximately are in your region? (Kiek apytiksliai yra lietuvių jūsų bendruomenės regione?)
Around 200
How many on average attend functions? (Kiek lietuvių paprastai susirenka į parengimus?
average of 20
How many financial members? (Kiek nario mokesčius mokančių narių?
We currently have 23 financial members
Organisations and groups that exist in our community:
During 2020-2022, a major aim of the community was to be more inclusive, we made more of an effort to include the new wave into the community.
Facebook Groups